Monday 19 March 2012


I am a great believer in "Waste not, want not".  Here is a good recipe to use up bread.  You will need to make it into breadcrumbs.  This is easy these days with a food processor.  Just pop in chunks of bread and whizz for a couple of minutes and you have perfect bread crumbs.


100g/4 oz breadcrumbs
50g/2 oz currants
50g/2 oz sultanas
50g/2 oz sugar
100g/4 oz shredded suet
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 eggs
Level teaspoon mixed spice
and some freshly grated nutmeg

Make the breadcrumbs and mix in all the ingredients until combined. 

Place in a greased pudding basin and press down gently.
Cover with a piece of baking parchment or greaseproof paper with a folded pleat in the middle to allow for the mixture to swell. Cover with foil and twist around the rim or tie, if preferred.
Place in a steamer or in a saucepan of simmering water coming halfway up the sides of the basin.
Steam for one and a half hours.
If using a saucepan, keep an eye on the water level, do not let it boil dry.
When cooked, remove the paper and foil and turn out onto a plate.

Serve with custard or a white sauce.
I made a sweet white sauce with a good dash of sherry.

Delicious. Enjoy!

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