Monday 7 November 2011


Instead of my usual recipe for a  rich, dark Christmas Cake I am making a golden jewelled cake. I made this recipe about twelve years ago and it made a lovely change. It is citrus and nutty. 

This morning I have prepared all of the fruits and nuts and put the fruit soaking in orange juice. (Brandy can be used but I feel this recipe is enhanced with the orange and is preferable to Brandy)

The citrus peel before
Pineapple, ginger and cherries

In twenty four hours, I will finish the recipe and bake it. 

Chopping the peel

The tin greased and lined with
baking parchment

The tin all prepared
In the meantime, I can prepare the cake tin by double lining it with baking parchment and also by tying a double band of brown paper around the outside of the tin.  This prevents the cake from over browning before it is cooked.


100g/4oz crystallised pineapple
100g/4oz glace cherries
50g/2oz crystallised ginger
175g/6oz candied peel,  (Sundora whole peel is best)
200g/8oz sultanas
4 tablespoons orange juice or brandy - plus extra for 'feeding' the cake
175g/6oz mixed shelled nuts e.g. Brazils, almonds, hazelnuts
200g/8oz softened butter
200g/8oz golden caster sugar
4 free range eggs, beaten
grated zest and juice of an orange
200g/8oz plain flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
100g/4oz ground almonds

You will need a deep 20cm/8" cake tin or a larger size to make a shallower cake.


Chop the pineapple, ginger and peel. Quarter the cherries and mix everything together, with the sultanas, in a bowl. Pour over the orange juice or brandy and cover with clingfilm. I like to leave the fruits to absorb the liquid for one or two days. (This can be omitted if time is short).

The fruits soaking in juice
Chop the nuts and put them in a separate bowl until needed.

Mixed nuts ready to add to mixture
Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
Beat in the eggs a little at a time. Add a spoonful of the measured flour to this mixture to prevent curdling.
Beat in the orange zest and juice, then add the soaked fruit and any remaining liquid.  Stir in the chopped nuts. (These can be chopped in the food processor - not too fine, leave them a bit crunchy)
Add the flour, cinnamon and ground almonds and fold in gently.
Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin. Press down lightly with the back of a metal spoon.

Ready to cook
Bake for 1 hour in a preheated oven 150C/Fan oven 130C/Gas 2 then reduce to 140C/Fan oven 120C/Gas 1 and bake for 2 to 2 and a half hours until golden brown, and firm to the touch. (ovens vary so adjust accordingly).  Cover lightly with foil if browning too quickly.
Pierce with a skewer to test if it is cooked. If the skewer comes out clean the cake is cooked.
Cool in tin for a while before turning out onto a cooling rack.

The cooked cake ready to wrap
and store to mature
When cold, wrap in a double thickness of greaseproof paper and over wrap with foil. Store in a cool dry place for up to three months or freeze for up to a year.

You may wish to 'feed' the cake with brandy at fortnightly intervals. Invert the cake and make several holes in the base with a skewer. Spoon 2 tablespoons over the holes and allow to soak in before re wrapping.

Nearer to Christmas, cover with almond paste and icing.

I will describe this when I reach this stage.

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