Saturday 31 December 2011


Here is some real comfort food for a cold winter's day - Casserole of Braised Brisket of Beef.

You will need a rolled brisket of beef and a selection of root vegetables. I use onion, leek, carrot, parsnip, celery and swede and a couple of cloves of garlic.
Vegetable or beef stock.
Thyme and bay leaves.

Prepare the root vegetables and cut into fairly large chunks.
Place in the base of the casserole and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Lay the joint of brisket on top of the vegetables.

Add more seasoning, a sprig of fresh thyme and a couple of bay leaves.
Pour some hot stock into the casserole nearly to the top of the vegetables.
Bring to simmering point on the hob.
Cover with a sheet of foil and then the casserole lid.
Place in a moderate oven and cook for three hours until the meat is meltingly tender.

To Serve

Remove the meat and slice thickly.
The vegetables can be served with the meat and some boiled potatoes.
Use the juices in the casserole as a sauce.

Delicious! Enjoy!

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