Friday 9 December 2011


It is a crisp, winter morning with beautiful sunshine. Just the sort of day for a warming bowl of soup.

I popped out into my garden and pulled four lovely leeks and one carrot. Using these and other stored ingredients from my garden - potatoes, onion and garlic - I prepared them to make the soup.

  We had a lovely free range chicken on Sunday, I had boiled up the carcass to make delicious chicken stock, and had this strained and in a bowl in the fridge.  I always keep some celeriac in the fridge at this time of year to add to soups.


One carrot
Piece celeriac or stick of celery (optional)
Salt, freshly ground pepper and freshly ground nutmeg
Chicken stock (Knorr stock cubes are good if you haven't fresh stock)
Cooking oil and butter


Trim the leeks, keeping some of the green, wash well and chop into chunks.

Prepare all the vegetables and cut into chunks, the potatoes can be quartered.

Put a little cooking oil and a knob of butter into a large saucepan with a lid. When it has heated, add the vegetables, except the potatoes, and allow to sweat with the lid on the pan - do not have the heat too high.
When the vegetables are transparent and lightly cooked add the potatoes, stock and seasoning and simmer until cooked.
Puree the vegetables with a hand blender or liquidiser.
Check for seasoning and serve.

Delicious! Enjoy.

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