Tuesday 23 August 2011


We have enjoyed sharing some meals with our friends from Germany.  The large lasagne I made recently and popped into the freezer came in handy. I cooked this and served it with a mixed green salad and garlic bread.  It was very tasty.  I rounded off the meal with sticky toffee puddings which I prepared the evening before.  They benefit from sitting overnight in the sticky caramel sauce. I put them in the fridge, covered lightly with foil.  Whilst we were eating our main course of lasagne I put the covered sticky toffee puddings into the oven to heat through.  They were perfect by the time we were ready for them. These were served with pouring cream. They are certainly a must for those with a sweet tooth!

On Sunday our friends joined us for Sunday lunch.  I roasted a rolled loin of pork and served it with apple sauce (made from our own Bramley apples), chipolata sausages, sage & onion stuffing balls, roast potatoes, roasted parsnips, broccolli, carrots and leeks in cheese sauce.  This meal was well received and they said that it was like a Christmas Dinner! I served a large lemon meringue pie for dessert.  I used four lemons and four large free range eggs to make this. I cooked it in a large springform cake tin.

As life was hectic with the visitors I failed to take more photos!

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