Thursday 11 August 2011


We have four very close friends visiting us from Germany and I am preparing a meal for their arrival. As I am unsure of their time of arrival I am preparing ahead a braised steak casserole and will serve this with parsley dumplings, Charlotte potatoes, red cabbage, carrots and beans. For dessert I have made a Velvet Chocolate Torte and a Raspberry Flan. By cooking the casserole the day before it will not take too long to reheat thoroughly when they arrive and will benefit from standing overnight in the fridge (it must be completely cooled before being refrigerated). Whilst it is reheating I can cook the dumplings and vegetables.
My garden has suffered from the lack of rain this year and although I have watered it using the water in our water butt it has not provided us with such a good crop as usual.  However, the carrots, parsley, beans and potatoes will be freshly gathered for the meal.  I do not grow red cabbage so have bought an organic one.  This, too, can be prepared ahead and heated in the oven along with the casserole.
I know that this menu will be appreciated as our friends enjoy this type of food.

As I guessed, this meal was well received and enjoyed by all.

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