Wednesday 29 June 2011

Jam Making 2

All of the jam has set and is ready for use. Apart from personal use, it makes a welcome gift for friends and family or donating to a charity stall. The redcurrant jelly has reached setting point and is cooling.
There are some points to remember when making jam:
  • Use fresh fruits - slightly under ripe rather than over ripe (there is a higher pectin content which helps in the setting process).
  • Add water to harder fruits (plums etc) There are plenty of recipes available for jam making.
  • Simmer until the fruit is tender
  • Remove from heat and stir in the sugar until dissolved
  • Return to the heat and bring to the boil until a set is obtained
  • After about twenty minutes put a small spoonful onto a chilled saucer and leave to cool
  • When the finger is pushed against this sample it will wrinkle if it is at setting point. You may need to do this two or three times.
  • Pour jam into warm, sterilised jars and cover with waxed disks and lids. Cling film is okay if you do not have jam pot covers.
  • Store in a cool, dark place until you wish to use it. Keeps at least twelve months.
  • Enjoy!

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