Thursday 23 June 2011

Wendy's Culinary Delights

Food is my passion.  I have always enjoyed preparing and cooking a wide range of dishes to the delight of family and friends.
Healthy eating has always been my mantra well before it was the 'fashion' to adopt healthy eating and five a day etc.
My garden is another passion and I have a wide range of vegetables and soft fruits growing for use in my kitchen. It is wonderful to go out and pick some beans or spinach and prepare it immediately. Later in the season I will be making pickles, chutneys and jams with the produce from my garden. These will be stored for the winter months.
Cooking is a wonderful hobby and I enjoy making anything from bread to soup, main meals, desserts, cakes and preserves. I like to support our local butcher and local farmers for meat and eggs.
Traditional British food and experimental Continental food feature on my menus.
Why purchase ready meals when good, wholesome meals can be made at home?  They are more natural, nutritionally good and generally cheaper. 
Over the coming months I hope to share some of my culinary delights with you.

Watch this space! 

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