Sunday 25 September 2011


Take one jointed oxtail - locally sourced, if possible - and brown it in a little oil until it is sealed all over. Add a chopped onion and a clove of garlic and cook  until transparent. Stir in about a dessertspoonful of flour until absorbed then add beef stock to cover. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and toss in a bay leaf.  I also added a handful of baby plum tomatoes, as I have a glut of them in my garden,  a chopped stick of celery and a couple of carrots.

Put on a tight lid, place a piece of foil between the casserole and the lid if the lid does not fit tightly. Cook in a slow oven for three hours until the meat is meltingly tender. I like to cook this day before to give the casserole chance to absorb all the flavours.

When ready to reheat, skim off the excess fat that will have risen to the surface.  Add some red lentils and bring the casserole to simmering point in a hot oven for 40 minutes.

Whilst this is reheating make the parsley dumplings:

100g/4oz S. R Flour, 50g/ 2oz Shredded Suet, good pinch salt and grind of black pepper and  chopped curled parsley. Water to mix.  Mix everything together without making the mixture too wet. Shape into small balls and place in the casserole on top of the oxtail.  Cook without the lid for about twenty minutes.

Serve with a green vegetable. 

This is a delicious meal and will serve four. 

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