Monday 3 October 2011


Our Bramley Apple tree has an abundant crop of apples this year. I have used some today to make an Apple Tart with home made shortcrust pastry.

For the Pastry

400g/1 lb Flour
100g/4 oz butter
100g/4 oz lard
pinch of salt
cold water

I prefer to use SR Flour to plain as it makes a deliciously short pastry. The use of butter adds flavour and the lard gives shortness. You can use all butter, if preferred.

This amount of pastry makes one or two (depends on the size) apple tarts and a large jam tart.


Prepare the apples and pile onto an ovenproof plate or  dish. Sprinkle with sugar to taste and a little cornflour to absorb some of the juice that is generated. Cover the fruit with the rolled out pastry and crimp the edges.  I like to brush lightly with beaten egg.

Cook 180C for ten minutes then reduce to 160C until the apple is cooked. Cover loosly with foil to prevent browning too much.

Serve with clotted or double cream.  Delicious!

Variation:  Add some ground cinnamon and/or cloves for a different flavour.

Apple Tart freezes well so it is worth making a couple at a time. One to eat and one to freeze! Sometimes I make apple pies - these have a pastry base as well as a pastry top. I use non stick sandwich tins and these can be popped into the freezer until required.

When I made the Apple Tart today I also made a large jam tart using some of the gooseberry jam I made in the summer. 

I rolled out  the pastry scraps and used them to make a lattice topping.

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