Sunday 9 October 2011


My crop of parsley is prolific. 

Since the recent rainfall it is grown extremely well.  I use it to add to soups, stuffings, dumplings and sauces.  If it is cut regularly it will put out new growth quite quickly.  Tomorrow I will cut back a lot of it to freeze.  It freezes extremely well.


Wash the parsley - put in a colander and run the cold tap through it.
Holding the parsley by the stems, shake it well to remove excess water.
Remove the large stems.
There is no need to chop it.
Pack the parsley in small polythene freezer bags.  Date and label.
Pop into the freezer.


When making parsley sauce, herb dumplings, stuffings etc. just take out the amount you need.  The process of freezing will have broken it up.  Scrunch the bag a little in your hand to make it finer before using.

I hope to have enough fresh herbs in my garden to make the Christmas stuffings but I can always supplement it with the frozen herbs, if necessary.  They retain their flavour and colour frozen this way.

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