Sunday 16 October 2011


Whilst we were in Dublin we visited a delightful restaurant and enjoyed a wonderful dessert. It was a Panna Cotta with plums poached in spices and red wine.
Today, I made a version of this dessert. There were several elements to it........ panna cotta, poached plums, honeycomb, crunchy almonds and ice cream.  I made a vanilla panna cotta and let it set in individual glass bowls and then added the toppings just before serving.

The honeycomb cooling before chopping

To make life easier, I made the honeycomb and crunchy almonds yesterday and
stored them in an airtight
Crunchy Almonds cooling

I also poached the plums in a red wine syrup with spices and allowed that to take up the flavours over night.

The quartered plums simmering in the red wine syrup

To serve I sprinkled the panna cotta with honeycomb then placed a scoop of ice cream in the centre surrounded by the poached plums. This was topped with the crunchy almonds.

Delicious! Heaven on a plate!

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