Sunday 9 October 2011


This morning I pulled the last of the beetroot from my vegetable patch. The recent rain has swelled the roots. The size varied from baby beets to large.
Beetroot fresh from the garden

To cook

Wash the roots to remove soil.
Cut off the leaves to within approximately 2 cm of the root (Too close and they will 'bleed')
Pop the beets into a saucepan and top up with cold water to cover.
Simmer gently for about half an hour.
Allow to cool in the pan.
Rub off the skin and remaining stalks.
Slice thickly.

They can be eaten as they are or with a little vinegar.  I find Malt Vinegar is too harsh and prefer to use Balsamic Vinegar.  Serve with salad and/or cold meats and cheeses. 

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