Sunday 3 July 2011

Dwarf French Beans

I love gardening as much as cooking and nothing pleases me more than to gather produce from my vegetable garden.

Dwarf French Beans in my garden
 It is a glorious day today and I have been able to pick the first crop of dwarf French beans.  I planted the beans straight into the ground back in April and they are now full of white flowers and small green beans.  When once you taste beans straight from the garden you will never be tempted to buy green beans imported from Kenya or elsewhere. I will now be picking over the coming weeks.

My first picking of Dwarf French Beans

A second crop is just showing above ground so that I will get further pickings during August.

Runner Beans in my garden
The runner beans have reached the top of the canes and are full of scarlet flowers attracting bees and other insects.  That is a good sign that pollination is taking place.

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