Sunday 31 July 2011


We have some young visitors coming today so I plan to make a couple of pizzas - always a favourite. The base is simple to make using strong white flour, olive oil, salt, water and dried yeast. I like to make different toppings using Cheddar and Mozzarella cheeses.

To make the pizza dough you will need:

375g strong white bread flour
Half teaspoon of salt
1 packet active dry yeast (7g)
2 Tablespoons olive oil
250ml lukewarm water


  1. Mix together the flour, salt and yeast then gradually add the olive oil and water. I use a mixer and knead for a couple of minutes.
  2. Place the covered bowl in a warm place for about one hour to rise until doubled in size.
Meanwhile, prepare your chosen toppings.

  1. Sweat one chopped onion and a clove of garlic in olive oil then add a can of chopped tomatoes and some Italian pizza herbs and let it simmer slowly until thickened.  I strain this with a slotted spoon when ready to use.
  2. Slice some mushrooms, grate the Cheddar cheese and slice the Mozzarella. Other ingredients I use are pitted black olives and sliced chorizo.
  3. Divide the dough into two pieces and roll into two circles and place on greased baking sheets or pizza tins.  Use the floured tips of your fingers to ease the circles outwards.
  4. With a spoon, spread two spoonfuls of the tomato mixture onto the circles, leaving the edges clear.
  5. On the first pizza, add the sliced mushrooms and top this with the grated Cheddar. Drizzle some olive oil around the edges and a little on the top.

    Mushroom & Cheddar Pizza
    Ready for the oven

    Chorizo and Mozzarella Pizza
    Ready for the oven

On the second pizza, overlap thinly sliced chorizo on top of the tomato base then top with slices of Mozzarella cheese, finishing with a few pitted black olives.

Bake in a preheated oven 220C/Gas Mark 7 for 15 to 20 minutes.

Be adventurous and experiment with a variety of toppings.  We love to add tinned anchovies for a tasty topping. You could use parma ham, spinach, goat's cheese, chopped peppers, basil - the decision is yours!
Serve with a mixed green salad for a well balanced, nutritious meal.

Here are the two pizzas, lightly cooked.  They will only need a few minutes in a hot oven when our visitors arrive!

Chorizo & Mozzarella Pizza

Mushroom and Cheddar Pizza with Rocket

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