Saturday 2 July 2011

Traditional Salt Beef

Beef in Brine Solution
Some days ago I was clearing out my freezer and decided to use a piece of topside to make traditional salt beef. It is a method little used these days but is worth the effort (no trouble really - you just have to be patient!).
The first thing to do is to make a brine solution using rock salt, spices, bay leaves and water and bring it to the boil and then cool completely.  When the brine is cold pour it over the beef (defrosted, if frozen) and cover with a plate to weigh it down.
Beef covered and weighed down
Ready to cook with onion, peppercorns, carrot and bay leaves
  I usually place a heavy weight on top, this keeps the meat submerged. Place in the fridge and turn it daily.  After about ten days it is ready to cook. Rinse the beef in water and discard the brine solution.  Place the beef in a pan and cover with water.  I usually add a quartered onion and a couple of carrots and bay leaves to add to the flavour.  Simmer gently, skimming off the scum when it first comes to the boil. Cook for a couple of hours, depending on the size of the joint. Vegetables can be added towards the end of the cooking time.
Skimming off the scum!
I like to serve this hot with the vegetables, parsley dumplings and broccoli or green vegetable  in season. The meat cuts out beautifully to serve cold with mustard, gerkins or chutney and some crusty bread.

Salt Beef with vegetables and parsley dumplings

Brisket of beef is an even better choice for this dish as it is cheaper and tasty. Silverside can also be used.
Reserve the cooking liquor for sauces or making soup.

Delicious! Enjoy!

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